November 7-8, 2019


Our program has a wide array of sessions that focus on topics such as diversity, inclusion, career building and wellness. Click on the link of each session and find out the details (speakers, related sessions, etc.).



13:00 - 13:10
13:10 - 13:50
世界には、読み書きや初歩的な計算ができない子どもが約2億5000万人(子供の1/3)もいることをご存知ですか? こうした状況に救いの手を差し伸べたのが、アメリカと韓国に拠点をかまえるスタートアップ「Enuma(エヌマ)」社。彼ら…
Did you know that about 250 million children (one out of three children) in the world unable to read, write, or do elementary math?
Enuma, a startup based in the US and Korea, has stepped forward offering to help with this situation. Their efforts began when game designer Lee Sooinn and her husband, a game developer, had a special needs child. The couple wondered what they ought to do to help their child keep up with their studies at school.
In welcoming Lee Sooinn, I'd like to tell you about the path she took, from taking stock of her own abilities in the face of unexpected circumstances, to developing a solution that has the potential to save the world.
14:00 - 14:40
It is said it will take another 200 years to achieve equality between men and women in the workplace. At the same time, there are also many people who do not feel a disparity between men and women or who treat it as someone else’s problem. Knowing the actual situation in Japan today is necessary to consider workplace equality for women and advancing diversity. This will be presented using data to provide a starting place for thinking about the next step.
14:50 - 15:30
誰しも「変化」に最初から積極的なわけではなく、どこかに変わりたくないという気持ちがあることも事実。これはダイバーシティ&インクルージョンを遂行すると起こる変化に対しても言えることです。 日本企業や社会において多…
It is true that no one actively accepts change at first and somewhere within them there is the feeling they do not want to change. This is also true of the change for achieving diversity and inclusion. While “diversity” is spreading as a buzzword in Japanese business and society, there are many who say it is still difficult historically and culturally to effect change on the frontlines of diversity and inclusion. Jin Montesano has been breaking through this wall and effecting change by changing the approach. Jin says one of the causes of Japan’s delay in achieving diversity is not being “unconscious” but rather “conscious bias.” We ask her about this new approach and the diversity and inclus.
15:45 - 16:35
There are people that have built their careers one day at a time while trying to achieve the goals they set while young or by just trying to abstractly do their best. But they also began wondering and worrying if this is what they really wanted to do, addressed that feeling head on, and made some major decisions regarding that. We have invited people who have let go of the values they had when students and who are now living their true desires to come and share their experiences and thoughts. You can change your career at any age.
16:50 - 17:40
Companies are using various methods to create a corporate culture that promotes diversity and inclusion, but doing so requires time and money. The enthusiasm varies among employees and it is a long road until it is thoroughly instilled in everyone. Above all, it is difficult to see the return on investment (ROI), so some companies even give up before reaching their goal. This session communicates that, “A new world is waiting!” and “just how interesting” it is to have an environment and measures that promote diversity and integration.
17:55 - 18:45
働き方改革と聞くと、大きな街に暮らしそこで働く人々をイメージしがち。ですが、今、地方でいろいろな働き方をする人が増え、この人々が地方創生のカギを握りつつあります。 地方で多様な働き方を実践している人たちを迎え、こ…
When we hear the phrase “working style reform,” we tend to imagine people who live and work in big cities. But the number of people working in various ways in provincial regions is increasing, and these people hold the key to revitalizing those regional areas. We have invited people who are using different working styles to have them share previous unknown ways of working and ways for contributing to society and the regions.


14:10 - 15:00
未来の食が私たちの想像を遥かに超えています。本セッションでは、「食」に徹底的に向き合い挑戦し続けるスピーカー陣に、フード界の最先端の取り組みを紹介してもらいます。 農畜水産物の流通プラットフォーム「SEND」を運営…
The future of food far exceeds what we can possibly imagine. In this session, speakers who have been challenging the foundations of "food" will explore cutting-edge initiatives in the food industry.

Mr. Shin Kikuchi, who co-founded "Tabemono Co." and is also the founder of Planet Table, the company that operates the distribution platform "SEND" for agricultural, livestock, and marine products, will be discussing innovative efforts in creating food production and supply models as well as the rebuilding of food infrastructure.

Mr. Kuniaki Tsukada, who is in charge of the development of new business operations at Mizkan Holdings, will be revealing the untold story behind the development of "ZENB," a popular plant-based brand that develops products using whole vegetables, including the cob, seeds and peel. He will also discuss the reasons why Mizkan Holdings is currently embarking on this initiative as well as its goals.

Mr. Ryosuke Sakaki from Dentsu will be speaking on "OPEN MEALS," a project that caught the attention of many people at SXSW in 2018 which aims to send the data of sushi to remote locations where it is created through the use of 3D printers, something which had been previously unimaginable.

The moderator who will be facilitating these various viewpoints on the future of food is Ms. Mana Matsuo from Kasumigaseki-batake.

This comprehensive 50-minute talk event, which will also comprise a workshop and a special tasting session, is the next step in our endeavor to probe the "future of food that far exceeds our imagination."
16:00 - 17:30
「普通が一番」「普通はシアワセ」とよく耳にしますが、本当に「普通は幸せ」なのでしょうか? 本来は、誰もが異なる意見や意思を持つ唯一無二の存在。今回、誰もが多様性の一部であるということを知り、新たな視点を手に入れる…
We often hear, “Normal is the best,” or “Normal is happiness,” but is normal really happiness? People are essentially unique individuals with different opinions and thoughts. This time we will hold a session together with “W no Hikigeki” to learn part of the diversity that everyone possesses and to obtain a new perspective.
18:00 - 19:30
「普通が一番」「普通はシアワセ」とよく耳にしますが、本当に「普通は幸せ」なのでしょうか? 本来は、誰もが異なる意見や意思を持つ唯一無二の存在。今回、誰もが多様性の一部であるということを知り、新たな視点を手に入れる…
We often hear, “Normal is the best,” or “Normal is happiness,” but is normal really happiness? People are essentially unique individuals with different opinions and thoughts. This time we will hold a session together with “W no Hikigeki” to learn part of the diversity that everyone possesses and to obtain a new perspective.


14:00 - 14:50
落ち込んだとき、失敗したとき、もうダメだと思ったとき——。さまざまなマイナスの状況に陥ったときに、そこから立ち直る力、逆境を跳ね返す力(=レジリエンス力)が必要になります。 実は、このレジリエンス力は誰もが兼ね備え…
When we are depressed, have failed, or when we think it’s just no use—when we fall into a negative situation, we need the ability to stand up and turn things around (the power of resilience).
Actually, the power of resilience is something all of us have. It is also something we can strengthen.
When things don’t go as planned, our self-esteem declines and we suffer.
How do we turn things around when we face a difficulty? How can we strengthen the power of resilience? The speakers will talk about this including their own experiences.
15:05 - 15:55
With a habit of using about half as much paid leave as workers in other countries, Japanese people are sometimes said to be 'bad at taking a break.' On the other hand, in Western countries, vacation time is recommended as a way to boost productivity and inspire innovation. Perhaps there's a secret to finding your calling or finding inspiration for your work hidden away in how we spend our vacation days. In this session, I 'd like to invite people who've made use of their varied hobbies in the course of their work, and people who've elevated their hobby into a business to participate in working out how you go about establishing a career from the way spend your downtime.
16:10 - 17:10
これまで私たちが「学校で学んできたこと」。これを、「みんなの常識」と思ってしまうことがあります。しかし、時代や社会が変わればその「常識」が「非常識」になることも。 過去の教育システムを分析し、今の社会人がどのよ…
Don’t we all think what we learned in school is common sense? But when the times change, however, the common sense also changes. This time, by analyzing the past educational system we can learn under what kind of educational background today’s working people learned in to change the way we communicate tomorrow.
18:30 - 19:00
ナイトセッションは18:30に開場します。 チケットをお持ちの方は、この時間にお来し下さい。
19:00 - 19:45
自分のチカラで何かを達成し、周りからも高評価を得たのにも関わらず「自分なんて」と自己を過小評価してしまったことはありませんか? このような自分の中の「インポスター症候群」を知り、自己肯定感を上げるワークショップを展…
Have you ever tried to do something on your own but then underestimated yourself even though you received praise from those around you?
This workshop helps us discover the “imposter syndrome” in us and improve our self-esteem.

Session Collaboration : NewsPicks
20:00 - 20:45
「なんで分かってくれないの?」と仕事仲間やパートナーとのコミュニケーションを難しさを感じたことはありませんか? しかし、相手のココロやアタマを完璧”読む”ことはできません。今回、自分がやりたいこと(キャリアプラン、…


15:00 - 16:00
16:15 - 17:15



12:30 - 12:40
12:40 - 13:20
逆境や困難、強いストレスに直面しても折れない心。それは、どうすれば手に入るのでしょうか。 レジリエンスとは、脅威に直面しても根元から折れることなく、竹のようにしなやかにしなり、逆境から素早く立ち直ることができる…
The spirit to stand in the face of heavy stress, setbacks and adversity. How does someone acquire that kind of spirit for themselves?

Resilience means that when trouble threatens, you will bend like reeds in a gale rather than snapping at the roots. It's having the ability to recover mentally, bouncing back quickly from adversity. Whether social or familial, we all feel stress from a great many things in our daily lives. On top of all that, Adriana Marais seeks to push aside those myriad little struggles and tackle the highest level of difficulty on the planet.

A theoretical physicist and technologist, she has her sights set on space as the scene of the work she wants to accomplish. Dreaming of living on other planets since she was four years old, Adriana has faced a myriad of challenges and overcome them one by one, always moving forward. Now, she's planning to enter an off-world simulation experiment in Antarctica as soon as next year, in December 2020.

We'll hear the story of the journey she took to get to this point, and where she plans to go from here, in her own words. And hidden within, I believe you'll find a big hint towards what it takes to have an unbreakable spirit.
13:30 - 14:10
“Families that get along forever = wonderful.” This value is strong in Japanese society, but it is also true there are people who are suffering due to their family relationships. What should families be like, including people who are alone, people caring for family members, and husbands and wives having different family names? Those things will be reconsidered.
14:20 - 15:00
企業の中で「ダイバーシティ&インクルージョンの推進がなかなかうまくいかない」と感じたことはありませんか? ジーニー・グルナニさんは、その理由のひとつとして「均質化された文化がダイバーシティ(多様性)の定着を妨げてい…
Have you ever felt that, even though you want to promote diversity and inclusion in your business, you struggle to do it well? According to Genie Gurnani, one reason may be that a 'homogenized culture' prevents diversity. Genie says that when people are among others similar to themselves, they develop a tendency to only seek to maintain things as they are, a tendency that can be seen in any country. In welcoming Genie, I'd like to talk to you about what it means to integrate difference into your company culture, and about the ways in which you face up to your own unconscious biases.
15:15 - 16:05
「持続可能な開発目標(Sustainable Development Goals)」を意味する「SDGs」。国連が世界的に呼びかけ、さまざまな企業が続々と取り組み始めています。SDGsを社会的責任(CSR)の一環としてアピールしている企業も少なくないよ…
The phrase “Sustainable Development Goals” is abbreviated as “SDGs.” The United Nations is calling on the world to undertake such goals and various companies are beginning to take initiatives in this regard. And while there are many companies that promote SDGs as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR), we think SDGs are exactly what will be the engine that drives the next-generation economy. Why should companies seriously undertake SDGs? And what is the hint to producing a sustainable economic effect?
16:20 - 17:10
Sudden illnesses and accidents, caring for parents, and working while raising children—at some time everyone faces sudden issues that prevent them from working how they like. You might think that “employment of persons with disabilities” is not related to you, but we think there are hints here about how to leverage one’s individuality amidst a variety of limitations. Four people who are building a unique system so that people with disabilities can work successfully will talk about how to develop individual potential at work and the issues related to that.
17:25 - 18:15
個を尊重する組織づくりや制度づくりを推進する上で、リーダー層のあり方を考えることは必要不可欠です。 「2030」(女性の管理職を2030年までに30%にするという政府目標に呼応するかたちで「“女性を入れておかなければ” という…
Considering how leaders should be to promote creating an organization and systems for respecting individuals is indispensable.
“2030” There are many issues with managers today, such as promoting women to management position just because they think they have to get some women into management to meet the target set by the government of having management consist of 30% women by 2030.
And regardless of whether or not they are a leader, if an individual cannot self-reliantly interact with the organization, the speed at which the organization improves will not increase.
How can leaders understand this and create an organization that utilizes individuals?
Organizations need diversity going forward. First a discussion will be held about to what degree leaders should change.
18:25 - 19:45
We have invited four powerful women entrepreneurs for a pitch contest for business ideas. This is an important opportunity to experience the great ideas and enthusiasm of four people who are expected to be future leaders as entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs.


14:20 - 15:10
15:20 - 16:20
“Promoting workplace equality for women is so yesterday.” We hear that kind of thing once in a while. But if we look at the reality, the percentage of women in management is still only around 10% and the wage gap between men and women is a huge 3.65 million yen! Why is gender equality taking so long to spread fully?
We will hold a participatory discussion to consider this including the historical and cultural background.
17:00 - 17:30
17:35 - 18:25
17:35 - 18:25
世代も性別も国籍も超えて、誰もが夢中になり、人生を豊かに創造する鍵になる。あらゆる人々をエンパワーするそんな力が、スポーツには眠っているのではないでしょうか。 アスリートとしてスポーツに打ち込んだ経歴を持ち、その…
18:40 - 19:30
2025年までに500億ドル規模にまで成長するといわれている、フェムテック(Femtech)市場。 次なる成長市場として投資家や企業から注目されているFemtechは、本当に女性に寄り添っているのでしょうか? 生理、妊娠・妊活、子育…
The femtech market is expected to grow to a size of $50 billion by 2025.
Is femtech, which is gaining the attention of investors and companies as the next growth market, really something that is oriented for women?
Women have unique wellness concerns as they go through the different stages of life. You can get back romance, a career, and money, but not health. As a step in facing “our own current calendar” rather than comparing ourselves to others, in this session participants will learn about femtech/femcare in Japan and abroad and have an opportunity to come into contact with products and services that match their needs.


14:15 - 15:05
女性国会議員比率が10%と、先進国の中でも最低水準の日本。しかし、今年の参議院選挙では、女性候補の割合が過去最高になったほか、さまざまなマイノリティの活躍にも少しずつスポットライトが当たり始めました。 社会の多様化が…
The percentage of female Diet members in Japan is 10%, the lowest level among advanced countries. However, the percentage of female candidates reached a record high in this year's House of Councilors election, and the spotlight has also begun to gradually focus on the activities of various minorities. What sort of changes will be pushed on politics as the diversification of society progresses? This will be discussed, along with the background to it.
15:20 - 16:10
Designing your corporate culture is also very important to maintain a sustainable business by joining forces with employees and having a unique set of values as a company. The key to designing a corporate culture is person, that is, employee. In order to support the motivation, productivity, and creativity of each employee, designing workplace well-being is also important. This time, I am going to give clues to make each employee happy, such as the importance of corporate culture design, working environment and its influence, and how to find employees who fit into your corporate culture.
16:25 - 17:15
多様化の必要性はビジネス界だけでなく、アート業界でも叫ばれ始めています。 アーティストだけでなく、文化事業の現場をつくり動かしてきたマネジメント側の現状を覗いてみると多様な就労形態とはかけ離れた自己実現や夢といっ…
The need for diversification has come to be proclaimed not only in the business world but in the arts as well.
We will explore how artistic activities and entertainment such as art, movies, and music support diversity in society, as well as the potential for diversity to create new art.

Session Collaboration : True Colors Festival
17:30 - 18:20
「ダイバーシティ時代」が始まった今、持続的で多様な社会を作るためには、企業は商品やサービス、そして街のシステムをどのように変化させるべきなのでしょうか? これからの時代に対応する都市・サービスを生みだすヒントを事例…
The need for diversification has come to be proclaimed not only in the business world but in entertainment and the arts as well.
We will explore how artistic activities and entertainment such as art, movies, and music support diversity in society, as well as the potential for diversity to create new art.
18:35 - 19:25
18:35 - 19:25
You often hear it said that meticulously planning your career path is important if you want to live your best life. But there's no shortage of people who say that they stumbled across their callings unexpectedly, by making sure to see the value in chance opportunities while doing their normal, everyday work. In this session, I'd like to talk about some of the unique speakers who've told of finding themselves in unexpected positions while going with the flow of their careers, and the right methods and attitudes for finding the job you really want to do. It should help you look at your career plan with a fresh perspective.


15:00 - 16:00
16:15 - 17:15
カラダの悩みは人それぞれ。 生理痛、妊活、不妊治療、セックスレス、更年期、お肌の調子など、オープンにしづらい悩みもあります。ウェルネス分野のエキスパートに直接相談できる場をもうけます。