
Conference theme
Reshape the Perception
MASHING UP Vol.3にご参加・ご協力くださいました全ての方々に厚くお礼申し上げます。
Thank you for joining “MASHING UP Vol.3” !
We look forward seeing you again!
カンファレンス「MASHING UP」は、女性をはじめとする多様な人々がしなやかに活躍できるような社会を創出する場です。異なる業種、性別、国籍、コミュニティの人々が「マッシュアップ」することで、新しいネットワーク、新しい一歩、新しいビジネスを創出できる化学反応を促進します。今回のテーマは「Reshape the Perception – 知らないを知って、視点を変える」。国内外のスピーカーを招聘し、個人と企業、そして社会に、新たな視点をもたらすセッションを組み立てます。
※MASHING UPでは、売り上げの一部をその理念に賛同する団体に寄付しています。この活動を通じて、ダイバーシティ推進の加速をサポートしていきます。寄付予定先:チャンス・フォー・チルドレン
MASHING UP is a business conference that strives to build an inclusive society in which women and other underrepresented groups can realize their full potential. We generate chemistry for new business ideas by “mashing up” people from various industries, countries and communities with different backgrounds and genders. This year’s theme is Reshape the Perception – building awareness for a new perspective. We invite speakers from home and abroad to hold a variety of exciting sessions. Through the discussions, we hope to gain new perspectives that could be helpful for individuals, organizations, and societies.
* To promote the diversity, MASHING UP will donate a part of the profits gained from the event to charity organizations. List of Charities:Chance for Children
ADRIANA MARAISアドリアーナ・マレ理論物理学者,科学技術者 / Off-World FounderADRIANA MARAISアドリアーナ・マレ理論物理学者,科学技術者 / Off-World Founder
Dr Adriana Marais, theoretical physicist, technologist and aspiring extraterrestrial, believes that we are living at a unique point in the history of life on Earth.
Developments in engineering and science are taking place at an unprecedented rate, and the expansion of our society beyond this planet is within reach. This year,
Adriana founded Off-World to pioneer new frontiers in research and technology for a sustainable and #ProudlyHuman future on Earth, above and beyond.
In December 2020, she and the Off-World team will depart for an overwinter, off-world settlement simulation experiment in Antarctica to demonstrate community living and off-grid capabilities from life-support to communication systems, in the harshest and most isolated environment on Earth. -
GENIE GURNANIジーニー・グルナニHead of Creative for VICE / VirtueGENIE GURNANIジーニー・グルナニHead of Creative for VICE / Virtue
米国発のオンラインメディアVICE MEDIAのAPACにおけるクリエイティブ責任者に加え、VICE MEDIAが手掛けるクリエイティブエージェンシーVIRTUREのクリエイティブも兼任。
夜や週末にはドラッグクイーンというエンターテイナーとして活躍しており、リアリティ番組「Drag Race Thailand」にも出演する。パフォーマーとしての活動は、クリエイターそしてエンターテイナーの両方に大きな影響を与えていると考えている。
By day, Genie is Head of Creative for VICE and its creative agency Virtue across Asia-Pacific. At night and on weekends, they are a nightlife entertainer and host who recently starred on the reality TV competition Drag Race Thailand. Genie’s life as a performer intersects with their life as a creative leader in many ways, and both careers have influenced each other. You can follow Genie on Instagram at @wishforgenie.
SOOINN LEEスイン・リーEnuma 共同創業者兼CEOSOOINN LEEスイン・リーEnuma 共同創業者兼CEO
米国と韓国にオフィスを構える教育テクノロジー企業Enumaの共同創業者兼CEO。特別な支援を必要とする子どもや教材を入手できない子どもを含むあらゆる子どもの能力を高める学習アプリを設計。世界で700万回以上ダウンロードされた「Todo Math」、支援を必要とする子どものためのプロジェクト「Injiniシリーズ」などを手がける。2017年、世界有数の社会起業家として「アショカ・フェロー」に選出。開発途上国の子どものための学習キット「Kitkit School」は「Global Learning XPRIZE」の2019年優勝作品に。
Sooinn Lee is cofounder and CEO of Enuma, an education technology company with offices in Berkeley and Seoul. She designs exceptional learning apps that empower ALL children — including those with special needs or without access to resources — to become independent learners.
Most recently, her team in the creation of Kitkit School, a comprehensive math and literacy learning suite for children in developing countries, which went on to win the $15M Global Learning XPRIZE competition. She also created the chart-topping Todo Math and designed the Project Injini series for young children with special needs.
In 2017, Sooinn was named an Ashoka Fellow for her ongoing work in bringing accessible, quality education solutions to children around the world.
CHIZUKO UENO上野 千鶴子社会学者・東京大学名誉教授・認定NPO法人ウィメンズアクションネットワーク(WAN)理事長CHIZUKO UENO上野 千鶴子社会学者・東京大学名誉教授・認定NPO法人ウィメンズアクションネットワーク(WAN)理事長
とり。高齢者の介護とケアも研究テーマとしている。1994年『近 代家族の成立 と終焉』 (岩波書店)でサントリー学芸賞受賞。2011年度、「朝日賞」受賞。2019年、フィンランド共和国Hän Honours受賞。撮影 / 菅野勝男
Chizuko Ueno is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo, ph. D. in sociology. Born in 1948 and graduated from Graduate School of Kyoto University, with teaching experiences at various universities in and out of Japan. Pioneering in women’s studies and gender studies in Japan, she currently takes a position of a chief Director of NPO Women’s Action Network. Her fields cover a wide range from sexuality to women’s labor and ageing. Her major works are Patriarchy and Capitalism (1990), Sociology of Care (1911) among other numerous writings. She has two books in English translation, Nationalism and Gender (2004) and Modern Family in Japan: Its Rise and Fall (2009). Received Suntory Academic Prize in 1994, Asahi Award for her contribution to feminism and studies on care in 2011, and Hän Honor by the Finish government in 2019.
ETSUKO OKAJIMA岡島 悦子プロノバ 代表取締役社長ETSUKO OKAJIMA岡島 悦子プロノバ 代表取締役社長
経営チーム開発コンサルタント、経営人材の目利き、リーダー育成のプロ。 三菱商事、ハーバードMBA、マッキンゼー、グロービス経営陣を経て、2007年プロノバ設立。丸井グループ、セプテーニ・ホールディングス、リンクアンドモチベーション、ランサーズ、ヤプリの社外取締役。世界経済フォーラムから「Young Global Leaders 2007」に選出。 主な著書に「40歳が社長になる日」(幻冬舎)がある。
慶應義塾大学経済学部卒、米ペンシルバニア大ウォートン校MBA、ジョンズ・ホプキンス大国際関係論修士。日本長期信用銀行、マッキンゼー、ノバルティス、ネスレを経て、2008年10月に(株)ほぼ日(旧・東京糸井重里事務所、2017年3月JASDAQ上場)に入社。2008 年 12 月より 2018 年 11 月まで同社取締役CFO。現在は、充電中。「ALLIANCE アライアンス———人と企業が信頼で結ばれる新しい雇用」監訳。
Makiko Shinoda has recently left her position after serving for ten years as CFO and board member of Hobonichi, which was listed on JASDAQ March 2017. She co-translated “The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age” by Reid Hoffman et al. Prior to Hobonichi, Makiko held finance leadership positions at Novartis and Nestle after her experience at McKinsey & Company and the Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan. She earned her MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, MA in International Relations from SAIS, Johns Hopkins University, and Bachelor of Economics from Keio University.
MINAKO SUEMATSU末松 弥奈子ジャパンタイムズ 代表取締役会長MINAKO SUEMATSU末松 弥奈子ジャパンタイムズ 代表取締役会長
広島県出身。1993年 学習院大学大学院修士課程修了後、インターネット関連ビジネスで起業。2017年株式会社ニュー ズ・ツー・ユーホールディングス代表取締役社長に就任。同年株式会社ジャパンタイムズ代表取締役会長・発行人に就任。日本初の全寮制の文科省認定小学校、「神石インターナショナルスクール」を2020年4月に開校予定。
株式会社ニューズ・ツー・ユーホールディングス 代表取締役社長
株式会社次世代教育開発 代表取締役
弥勒の里国際文化学院日本語学校 理事長After coming from Hiroshima and receiving an MA in Humanities from Gakushuin University Graduate School in Tokyo, Minako Suematsu tested her hands in an internet based startup company. In 2001, she helped News2u Co.,Ltd. to be established and then in 2017, appointed as the president of News2u Holdings Inc. Later that year, she became the Chairperson and Publisher of The Japan Times, Ltd. Minako is now in the steps of the opening of the European style boarding school In Setouchi “Jinseki International School” planned in April 2020.
News2u Holdings, Inc.: CEO
Next Educational Environment Development Inc.: Managing Director
Miroku no Sato Japanese Language School, International Institute of Culture: Director -
AKIRA TAKAHASHI高橋 朗アダストリア イノベーションラボ 部長AKIRA TAKAHASHI高橋 朗アダストリア イノベーションラボ 部長
Started my career at POINT inc. ( one predecessor of Adastria Co., Ltd.) as a part-time shop staff when I was a university student, and then worked as a member in corporate strategy department of Adastria Holdings after experiences of shop manager, online shop staff, and marketing staff. After the business integration of POINT inc. and TRINITY ARTS Inc. (another predecessor of Adastria Co., Ltd.), I participated in setting up a new CRM department and then pursued another career outside Adastria. In July 2017, I joined Adastria again and now am in charge of developing new business through open innovations.
RYOSUKE TOURA東浦 亮典東急 執行役員 渋谷開発事業部 フューチャー デザインラボRYOSUKE TOURA東浦 亮典東急 執行役員 渋谷開発事業部 フューチャー デザインラボ
1985年 東京急行電鉄入社
1991年 東急総合研究所出向
1994年 東京急行電鉄復職、以降一貫して開発畑を歩み、東急沿線の都市開発、マーケティング、ブランディング、プロモーション、エリアマネジメントを担当。
2019年 渋谷開発事業部長就任
著者に「私鉄3.0(ワニブックスPlus新書)」(2018年)1985 Joined Tokyu Corporation
1991 Seconded to Tokyu Research Institute
After returning to Tokyu Corporation in 1994, He has consistently been on the development field and is responsible for urban development, marketing, branding, promotion and area management along Tokyu area.
2019 Appointed Executive Officer & General Manager of Shibuya Development Headquarters.
Author: “Private Railway 3.0 (Wanibooks Plus New Book)” 2018 -
CHIAKI HAYASHI林 千晶ロフトワーク 代表取締役CHIAKI HAYASHI林 千晶ロフトワーク 代表取締役
早稲田大学商学部、ボストン大学大学院ジャーナリズム学科卒。花王を経て、2000年にロフトワークを起業。Web、ビジネス、コミュニティ、空間など、手がけるデザインプロジェクトは多岐に渡る。グローバルに展開するデジタルものづくりカフェ「FabCafe」、素材に向き合うクリエイティブ・ラウンジ「MTRL」、クリエイターとの共創を促進するプラットフォーム「AWRD」などを運営。MITメディアラボ 所長補佐、森林再生とものづくりを通じて地域産業創出を目指す「株式会社飛騨の森でクマは踊る」代表取締役社長も務める。
Co-founded Loftwork Inc. in 2000 and currently serves as its representative director. Loftwork is a new style of creative agency that boasts a network of over 25,000 creators. Each year Loftwork rolls out over 200 projects including web, community, and spatial design initiatives. Loftwork also operates the digital fabrication cafe, FabCafe. Hayashi pioneered the adoption of Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) guidelines in the creative industries in Japan, and has penned the book Web Project Management Standards. Hayashi is Japan Liaison to the Director of MIT Media Lab, a member of the Good Design Awards Screening Committee, and a member of the Manufacturing Industry Subcommittee of METI’s Industrial Structure Council Committee.
有限会社イペリックス代表取締役(2002~)Lived in the Dominican Republic for the research of VooDoo yet the poverty brought her back to Japan with 2 children. After worked for a trading company for several years Hiroe Toyohara founded HIPERIX INC which offers one-stop service for amateur traders synergizing logistics and consulting.
While visiting various countries for trading, she re-recognized the value and possibilities in Wakayama, in the rural area of Japan and founds “KOTORI”, the guesthouses group. By focusing on the services and things which Hotels and cities cannot provide with their original point of view, KOTORI aim for the creation of new value. Shikouan, one of their guesthouse is set as the experimental project with the students of Wakayama University. -
YOSHIAKI NISHIMURA西村 佳哲リビングワールド / 神山つなぐ公社 代表YOSHIAKI NISHIMURA西村 佳哲リビングワールド / 神山つなぐ公社 代表
1964年 東京生まれ。リビングワールド代表。働き方研究家。つくる・書く・教える、大きく3つの領域で働く。開発的な仕事の相談を受けることが多い。東京と徳島県神山町に居住。同町の「まちを将来世代につなぐプロジェクト」のメンバー。著書に『自分の仕事をつくる』(ちくま文庫)など。
Born in Tokyo in 1964. Living World representative. Work style researcher. Work in three major areas: create, write and teach. Often get consultations on developmental work. Lives in Tokyo and Kamiyama Town, Tokushima Prefecture. A member of the town’s “Project to connect towns to future generations”. Books include “Making Your Own Work” (Chikuma Bunko).
YUKIKO YAMAGUCHI山口 有希子パナソニック コネクティドソリューションズ社 常務 エンタープライズマーケティング本部 本部長YUKIKO YAMAGUCHI山口 有希子パナソニック コネクティドソリューションズ社 常務 エンタープライズマーケティング本部 本部長
パナソニック株式会社コネクティッドソリューションズ社常務・エンタープライズマーケティング本部 本部長。同社のB2Bマーケティング強化に邁進している。 1991年、リクルートコスモスに入社。その後、シスコシステムズ、Yahoo! JAPAN(オーバーチュア)、日本IBMにてマーケティング管理職を歴任。2017年12月から現職。日本アドバタイザーズ協会 デジタルメディア副委員長。ACC広告賞審査員。YMCA FCSCボードメンバー。個人的に不登校児と親を支援する活動にも従事。
She has been working as a general manager of Interpre – sation Marketing Division of Panasonic Corporation and has been promoting its B2B marketing efforts since joining Ricoh Co mos in 1991. After that, JAPAN and IBM Japan She has been working as a marketing manager since December 2017. She is currently a vice chairman of the Japan Media Advisory Association and an advisor to the Japan Advisory Association and an ACC Advertising Award Judge who is a member of the YMCA FCSC Board. As well as activities to support parents.
Mayuka Yamazaki started to practice ikebana since she was 18 years old under Risen Kajikawa, a headmaster of ko-ryu shoreikai, one of the ikebana factions in Japan. She became shihan master in 2011. In 2017, Mayuka launched IKERU initiative to introduce the spirit and beauty of the ikebana tradition to business and international audience.
Prior to committing herself fully to IKERU, Mayuka worked at Harvard Business School (HBS) Japan Research Center as a liaison director who connects Japan with HBS since 2006. While 10 years of her working at HBS, Mayuka co-authored about 30 HBS cases about Japanese companies, business leaders and societal issues with HBS professors. Mayuka also played a critical role in designing and running a class in which HBS students study in the 3.11 disaster-affected Tohoku areas and she published a book “Why and What Has Harvard studied in Tohoku, Japan” in August 2016.
Mayuka also worked as Project Assistant Professor at Tokyo University Medical School to develop all-English leadership programs since 2010. Prior to that, Mayuka worked as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company. She graduated with BA in Economics from Tokyo University and with Master of Science in Foreign Service (academic excellence) from Georgetown University.
会場:トランクホテル/TRUNK(HOTEL) 東京都渋谷区神宮前5-31
主催:MASHING UP実行委員会(株式会社メディアジーン、mash-inc.)
Date: November 7 – 8, 2019
Venue: TRUNK (HOTEL) 5-31 Jingumae, Shibuya, Tokyo
Organizer: MASHING UP team (Mediagene Inc., mash-inc.)


MASHING UPは、あらゆる人々が自分らしく活躍する社会を目指して、コミュニティを超えてつながりあい、社会課題に向き合っていける場を提供していきます。ご協賛およびご協力については、MASHING UP運営事務局アドレスよりお問い合わせください。
MASHING UP is looking for sponsors and collaborators. Our goal is to build a society in which everyone can be themselves and realize their full potential. We believe the first step is to create an environment where people from different backgrounds can come together and discuss social issues. If you are interested in working with us, please feel free to contact us for more details.
イベントに関するお問い合わせ、プレスパス発行のご希望等は、下記よりMASHING UP運営事務局までご連絡ください。
Please feel free to contact us for more details.