– 職場での男女平等実現は200年先!? データから見る、今の日本の立ち位置
YOKO KAWATA河田 瑶子ユニリーバ・ジャパン・カスタマーマーケティングYOKO KAWATA河田 瑶子ユニリーバ・ジャパン・カスタマーマーケティング
Joined Unilever as a new grad and worked on Dove / Vaseline / LUX brand as a marketer. It is my 9th year being involved in brand strategy / product & advertisement development / sales strategy, etc. From last summer, started working for LUX brand purpose trying to land women empowerment in Japan through brand.
Since Yumiko joined OECD in 2013 as the head of OECD Tokyo Centre, she has been at the forefront of policy discussions between OECD and governments, businesses and academia in Japan and Asia, covering a wide range of economic policy issues. She has been leading discussions with various stake holders in Japan and Asia, particularly in the areas of Corporate Governance, tax guidelines, gender diversity, education, international trade and innovation. Prior to joining the OECD, Yumiko held a number of leadership positions as a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse. Yumiko has diverse professional experiences, ranging from banking in New York and London to UN Peace Keep Operations in Cambodia. Yumiko has an MBA from Harvard University, MA from Stanford University and BA from Sophia University. She sits on the Japan Advisory Board of Harvard Business School as well as several advisory committees of the Japanese Government. She is the author of a bestseller book, “Turning Demographic Challenges into Economic Opportunities”. (Japanese only) Ranked #1 at Amazon Japan, economics category.
Shintaro Yamaguchi is an associate professor in economics at the University of Tokyo and an external research fellow at University College London. He received his Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin in 2006 and taught at McMaster University in Canada from 2006 to 2017. Yamaguchi’s current research focuses on early childhood education, gender inequality, and task approach to human capital. He published several papers in leading economics journals including American Economic Review, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Human Resources, and Quantitative Economics.