– 明日につながるスタートライン
-Today is a Day for New beginning
TERUHIRO URA浦 輝大JICA 青年海外協力隊事務局 「スポーツと開発」担当TERUHIRO URA浦 輝大JICA 青年海外協力隊事務局 「スポーツと開発」担当
From 2007 to 2009, he was assigned to the Republic of Vanuatu in the South Pacific as a member of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers. Worked on the spread of physical education at a local elementary school for two years.
AYA NOGUCHI野口 亜弥順天堂大学女性スポーツ研究センター 研究員AYA NOGUCHI野口 亜弥順天堂大学女性スポーツ研究センター 研究員
Aya Noguchi is an assistant professor at Juntendo Univ. Faculty of Health and Sport Science and a researcher at JCRWS. Her research area is sport and gender & sexuality especially from the sport for development perspective. She is a former professional footballer in Swedish top division in 2014. Before she started her current job, she was working for the Japan Sports Agency in the International Affairs Division. Currently, she is enrolling in a Ph.D. program while involving several volunteer activities advocating gender equality in and through sport.