– 個性を爆発させよ!
YUKA ICHIKI一木 裕佳バンダイナムコウィル 取締役YUKA ICHIKI一木 裕佳バンダイナムコウィル 取締役
TOSHIYA KAKIUCHI垣内 俊哉ミライロ 代表取締役社長TOSHIYA KAKIUCHI垣内 俊哉ミライロ 代表取締役社長
Mr. Toshiya Kakiuchi, President and CEO, Mirairo Inc, was born in Aichi prefecture in 1989 and has been in a wheelchair from an early age, as his bones are fragile by nature, caused by osteogenesis imperfecta. He learned about entrepreneurship at Ritsumeikan University Business Administration and has created many business plans based on his own experience, such as creating barrier-free maps of university campuses. Having received 13 business awards for his activities in Japan, he established Mirairo Inc. in 2010, while at school, raising the philosophy of “Barrier Value,” which means to turn obstacles into value. Currently, Mr. Kakiuchi works extensively as a consultant who proposes “universal design that everyone can easily use”. As he has a popular reputation as a promoter of universal design with practical and high economic effects, from the perspective of persons with disabilities, he often publicly performs as a commentator and adviser. He also represents the Universal Manners Association and serves as an advisor to the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee. He received the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award of Japan Venture Award in 2018.
KAORU KAWASHIMA川島 薫楽天ソシオビジネス 代表取締役社長KAORU KAWASHIMA川島 薫楽天ソシオビジネス 代表取締役社長
1962年東京都生まれ。0歳の時に「先天性両股関節脱臼」との診断で手術を受けた後、 長女出産後に右股関節が悪化し1989年身体障害者手帳を取得。 高校卒業後の80年に教育事業出版社に就職し、経理業務に従事。 86年出産を機に主婦業に専念する。99年から空調メーカーのコールセンターSVとして8年ほど勤務した後、 2008年楽天ソシオビジネスに一般社員として入社。 特例子会社立ち上げメンバーとしてリーダー、マネージャー、部長職を経て2013年に取締役 2018年6月より代表取締役副社長に就任。2019年6月より現職。
・1962, Born in Tokyo. Diagnosed with her “Congenital dislocation of the hip joint” and got an operation.
・1980, Graduate from high school and got a job at Educational Business publisher, engaged at accounting.
・1980, Dedicate to housekeeping after the birth of the eldest daughter
・1989, Right hip joint deteriorated after the birth of the eldest daughter, and obtained a certificate for physically handicapped.
・1999, Begin working at air conditioning manufacturer as call center SV.
・2008, joined Rakuten Socio Business as a general employee, after working at the air conditioning manufacturer for 8 years.
・2013, became a director after serving as a leader, manager, and general manager as a member of a special subsidiary company.
・2018, June, entrusted as the position of vice president, and representative director.
・2019, June, successively held the president in various districts, which continues to this day.
TAKAYA MATSUDA松田 崇弥ヘラルボニー 代表取締役TAKAYA MATSUDA松田 崇弥ヘラルボニー 代表取締役
小山薫堂率いる企画会社オレンジ・アンド・パートナーズ、プランナーを経て独立。異彩を、放て。をミッションに掲げる福祉実験ユニットを通じて、福祉領域のアップデートに挑む。ヘラルボニーのクリエイティブを統括。東京都在住。双子の弟。誕生したばかりの娘を溺愛する日々。日本を変える30歳未満の30人「Forbes 30 UNDER 30 JAPAN」受賞。
After working for Orange and Partners as a planner, Takaya Matsuda founded HERALBONY Co.,Ltd. with his twin elder brother, Fumito. Their challenges to update the field of social welfare led them to be selected as ”Forbes 30 UNDER 30 JAPAN”.