November 7-8, 2019
– アイデアとテクノロジーと情熱が変えるこれからの「食」
The Future of Food is about Ideas, Technology and Passion



電通の榊良祐さんには、2018年のSXSWでも話題となった、寿司のデータを遠隔地に転送し、3Dプリンターで出力する等、これまで想像もできなかったことの実現を目指すプロジェクト「OPEN MEALS」について伺います。


The future of food far exceeds what we can possibly imagine. In this session, speakers who have been challenging the foundations of "food" will explore cutting-edge initiatives in the food industry.

Mr. Shin Kikuchi, who co-founded "Tabemono Co." and is also the founder of Planet Table, the company that operates the distribution platform "SEND" for agricultural, livestock, and marine products, will be discussing innovative efforts in creating food production and supply models as well as the rebuilding of food infrastructure.

Mr. Kuniaki Tsukada, who is in charge of the development of new business operations at Mizkan Holdings, will be revealing the untold story behind the development of "ZENB," a popular plant-based brand that develops products using whole vegetables, including the cob, seeds and peel. He will also discuss the reasons why Mizkan Holdings is currently embarking on this initiative as well as its goals.

Mr. Ryosuke Sakaki from Dentsu will be speaking on "OPEN MEALS," a project that caught the attention of many people at SXSW in 2018 which aims to send the data of sushi to remote locations where it is created through the use of 3D printers, something which had been previously unimaginable.

The moderator who will be facilitating these various viewpoints on the future of food is Ms. Mana Matsuo from Kasumigaseki-batake.

This comprehensive 50-minute talk event, which will also comprise a workshop and a special tasting session, is the next step in our endeavor to probe the "future of food that far exceeds our imagination."