Is femtech, which is gaining the attention of investors and companies as the next growth market, really something that is oriented for women?
Women have unique wellness concerns as they go through the different stages of life. You can get back romance, a career, and money, but not health. As a step in facing “our own current calendar” rather than comparing ourselves to others, in this session participants will learn about femtech/femcare in Japan and abroad and have an opportunity to come into contact with products and services that match their needs.
ARISA IDO井土 亜梨沙Forbes JAPAN コミュニティプロデューサーARISA IDO井土 亜梨沙Forbes JAPAN コミュニティプロデューサー
1990年生まれ。一橋大学卒業。森ビル、ハフポスト日本版ブログエディター兼「Ladies Be Open」ディレクターを経て現職。
MAYUMI EBINE海老根 真由美白金高輪海老根ウィメンズクリニック 院長MAYUMI EBINE海老根 真由美白金高輪海老根ウィメンズクリニック 院長
AMINA SUGIMOTO杉本 亜美奈fermataAMINA SUGIMOTO杉本 亜美奈fermata東京大学修士号、London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (英)公衆衛生博士号取得。 福島第一原子力発電所事故による被災者の内外被曝及び健康管理の研究を行い、東京電力福島原子力発電所事故調査委員会(国会事故調)のメンバーでもある。日本医療政策機構にて、世界認知症審議会(World Dementia Council)の日本誘致を担当。厚生労働省のヤングプロフェショナルメンバーにも選ばれ、「グローバル・ヘルスの体制強化:G7伊勢志摩サミット・神戸保健大臣会合への提言書」の執筆に関わる。近年、Mistletoe株式会社に参画。また、元evernote CEOのPhil Libin氏が率いるAIスタートアップスタジオ All Turtlesのメンバーでもある。国内外の医療・ヘルスケアスタートアップへの政策アドバイスやマーケット参入のサポートが専門。
Amina is Japanese/Malaysian, spent most her childhood in Tanzania, and moved on to study in the UK and Germany. She has a degree in Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) with a specialization in health economics, policy and management. During her time in Africa, she grew up witnessing the reality which is the inequality in access to medicine. Since then, her passion has been to make health products accessible for those who do not have the means. Her recent interest is in the Femtech industry. Through her new company, fermata, Inc., her goal is to improve access to certain femtech/femcare products which can provide women an opportunity to have a better understanding of their own body, helping them achieve ownership of the body, mind, career, and life. Outside of work, she loves beer (ironic), gyoza, tangerines, music (not dancing), Japanese history (especially the Meiji Restoration), and traveling (next destination, South America!).